What is 30 Days to Hands on Play?
A 30 day challenge to inspire you to play [at least] 15 minutes with your kids [no interuptions].
To become more involved with them.
To introduce yourself and your kids to new play ideas!
How will the challenge work?
The Imagination Tree and I will alternate [on our blogs] with a play activity challenge each day for the month of November. These play activities are meant to be simple, and to use what you have on hand.
We will each be doing each day's activities together with you, and there will be further discussion that can be found on The Play Network to share what you did for that day's challenge. Through these discussions we hope to inspire each other more through everyone's ways they played that day.
A 30 day challenge to inspire you to play [at least] 15 minutes with your kids [no interuptions].
To become more involved with them.
To introduce yourself and your kids to new play ideas!
How will the challenge work?
The Imagination Tree and I will alternate [on our blogs] with a play activity challenge each day for the month of November. These play activities are meant to be simple, and to use what you have on hand.
We will each be doing each day's activities together with you, and there will be further discussion that can be found on The Play Network to share what you did for that day's challenge. Through these discussions we hope to inspire each other more through everyone's ways they played that day.
Learn to play with your kids!
Ideas to get you out of the regular old routine.
The rest is for you to decide.
That's your first task.
Starting today.
Today's Task:
Take mental note, or jot down, a simple mission statement of how you'd like to become more hands on with your kids.
Praising Mom's Mission Statement:
This month I will be more efficient with my time. I will get my chores done while the kids are napping so when they wake up I can do more hands on activities that are age appropriate for them.Selah's interests:
- Princess's
- Art's n crafts
- Cooking
- Puzzles
- Games n books
Titus's interests:
- Learning to crawl
- mouths a lot of items still, most everything goes in his mouth at least once.
- Eating
- He has and animal toy that makes noises that he likes
- He loves to play in his jumper
I will be excited to see all the fun you will be having.